ILead’s Adam Chen to Lecture for.....

November 7, 2023

The"Small Business Legal Services Program" seminar series, organized bythe Queens Chamber of Commerce and sponsored with $1 million grant fromCongresswoman Grace Meng for the 6th District, is about to begin. Adam ChenEsq., founder of iLead Law Group PC, will be the first speaker of the seminarseries, offering an online lecture for the Queens Chamber of Commerce from 3pm to 4pm on Thursday, November 9th. Mr. Chen will be lecturing on issuesinvolving workplace law and discriminations from various perspectives andexplain the legal provisions and protective mechanisms established by the NewYork State and federal government to combat the aforementioned issues. 

The"Small Business Legal Services Program" organized by the QueensChamber of Commerce aims to provide essential resources to local businesses,covering everything from financial to legal issues, and offering multilingualservices to overcome language barriers and professional challenges faced bybusiness owners. The online legal seminar series is dedicated to educatinglocal businesses owners on workplace legal knowledge to support the operationsand development of small enterprises from a legal perspective. 

Mr.Chen is also the Chairman of the New York Community Legal Aid Center and theManaging Partner of iLead Law Group PC. He will be comprehensively lecturing onworkplace labor laws and discrimination issues to the online audience fromvarious perspectives, helping employers to identify and prevent legal risks duringemployment processes, while also sharing interesting case studies and practicallegal knowledge. 

AsMr. Chen points out, the community development hinges on the growth of smallbusinesses, and the operation and prosperity of small businesses rely on legalsupport and safeguard. The iLead Law Firm is honored to provide legal services forthe Queens Chamber of Commerce and hopes that this lecture will help smallbusinesses to prevent workplace legal risks in the future. The lecture willemphasize the seriousness of workplace discrimination, not only because it’s a violationof laws, but also impacts the business's brand image. 

Inaddition to labor laws and discrimination, small businesses often face tax and HRrisks. iLead Law Firm’s legal experts are ready to provide comprehensive legalservices to such businesses. The seminar will offer guidance for businesses toaddress workplace discrimination issues, enabling business owners and employeesto better understand their rights and responsibilities, and contribute tocreating an equal, inclusive, and safe work environment. 

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Meeting ID: 274552 8487
